Enscape 3D即時渲染工具


Enscape GmbH成立於2013年,是一個商業實時渲染和虛擬現實插件。它主要用於建築,工程和建築領域,由Enscape GmbH開發和維護,Enscape 直接插入您的建模軟體,為您提供集成的可視化和設計工作流程。通過消除生產的不便、縮短反饋循環並為您提供更多的設計時間,這是將您的模型轉變為沈浸式 3D 體驗的最簡單、最快捷的方式。


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Enscape 3D即時渲染工具


Enscape 的主要重點在於計算具有低操作複雜性的建築的真實可視化。應用實時方法通過減少等待時間在規劃項目中實現更高的迭代速度。例如,相應的CAD模型用於導出虛擬現實模擬。使用OpenGL 4.4 和Vulkan,並提供底層 CAD 模型的逼真表示。借助路徑跟踪程序和基於物理的材料模型,可以逼真地可視化全局照明。


  • Revit
  • SketchUp
  • Rhinoceros 3D
  • ArchiCAD
  • Vectorworks


  • 強大的渲染功能
  • 超過2700種以上的動產可供選擇
  • 利用AR技術實現360度的全景設計
  • 任意變更搭配所有情境


  • Real-time Walk-through

  • 借助 Enscape 的 實時技術,您的項目將可視化為 完全渲染的 3D 演練,可以在一天中的任何時間從各個角度進行導航和探索通過Enscape 和您的 CAD 程序之間的實時鏈接 ,您可以立即跟踪計劃的每個更新。使用NVIDIA深入學習超級採樣小號upport以提高 性能 演練。 將Enscape添加  到您的工作流程中,讓您有更多時間進行創作和創新。   
  • Virtual Reality

  • 在令人信服的虛擬現實中探索您的設計。快速連接Oculus Rift S 或 HTC Vive 等VR 耳機,準備好步行或飛越您的項目。你不會相信它會喚起非凡的體驗。
  • Export Functions

  • Enscape 提供了多種與任何人共享或協作的選項設計團隊、客戶和其他利益相關者可以輕鬆探索您的 3D 渲染設計。猜猜看:他們不需要任何特殊的軟件或超級強大的計算機。
  • Collaborative Annotation

  • 無論是變更請求、材料建議還是問題,都可以使用新的協作註釋功能直接在項目中突出顯示問題。與您的團隊和外部成員分享進度、維護上下文並從持續溝通中受益。
  • Asset Library

  • 我們不斷擴展的資產庫將幫助您讓場景充滿生機,並使其更加逼真。瀏覽我們精選的一小部分,這樣您就可以了解可用的模型。
  • Roadmap

  • 保持最新狀態並獲取有關 Enscape 即將推出的功能的最新信息。



Required CAD/BIM Software

The Enscape 3.5 plug-in is provided for the following host applications:

  • Revit (2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024)*
  • SketchUp (2021, 2022, and 2023)
  • Rhino (6.0 and 7.0)
  • Archicad (24, 25, 26 and 27)
  • Vectorworks (2021, 2022, 2023 (Service Pack 1 or later) and 2024)

Enscape is not provided as a plugin for Revit LT  because Revit only allows the addition of third-party plugins in the the full version of the software. This is a limitation set by Autodesk.

On Windows, the Enscape plugin will be installed for all of the above listed host applications by default unless otherwise specified by the user during the installation process. This means you do not require a dedicated installer specific to each individual host application, and you can specify which CAD or CAD’s you want to install Enscape for during the installation procedure.


Note: There are conflicts with two other Revit plugins: Colorizer and Techviz. To avoid incompatibilities, please uninstall them before using Enscape.


System Requirements

Enscape performs its renders using your graphics card (GPU), but the GPU has to have dedicated VRAM, and not shared VRAM as found with Intel Integrated Graphics chips. If your systems CPU and RAM are capable of handling Revit, for instance, and you have a capable GPU, Enscape should work. A good CPU can speed up Enscape’s loading times. The system requirements to run Enscape, as well as the Standalone Executable files that can be exported from Enscape, are identical.

It is also recommended that your internet connection is fast and stable, and that you should use a direct cable connection and avoid using a Wi-fi connection where possible, as this can slow down the Asset Library loading times.

Note: real-time rendering performance can be affected by the project size, and therefore the following table provides the minimum GPU specifications that we recommend where large CAD projects are regularly being worked on. Where VR is listed, the GPU’s clock speed (processor) has more relevance than the amount of VRAM, although you should always try to use a GPU with as much VRAM as possible.

