Lansweeper IT 資產管理軟件


Lansweeper 通過提供對整個 IT 資產的可行洞察,幫助您最大限度地降低風險並優化您的 IT。

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Lansweeper   IT 資產管理軟件


跨平台 IT 資產發現

無需在您的機器上安裝任何軟體即可發現您網絡中的所有 IT 資產。Lansweeper 查找並收集有關所有資產的信息,列出硬件規格、安裝的軟件、用戶詳細資訊等等。 消除 IT 中的最大障礙之一,獲得網絡的完整端到端可見性,並節省寶貴的時間和資源。

一個集中的 IT 庫存

您的所有硬體軟體用戶,都在一個地方。Lansweeper 將所有資產詳細資訊整合到一個集中的基於 Web 的記錄系統中。它為企業提供了對其分佈式 IT 環境的完全可見性,告知他們他們擁有哪些資產、它們位於何處、誰在使用它們等等。 單擊單個資產記錄可讓您查看 Lansweeper 收集的所有詳細資訊。

面向所有人的 IT 數據

立即獲得您需要的答案。需要快速了解辦公室中的所有打印機或所有 PC 的序列號?需要對過去 24 小時內發現的所有新設備進行檢查?從 400 多種現成的、開箱即用的網絡報告中進行選擇,或在幾分鐘內構建自定義報告。


Lansweeper 平台直接連接到您現有的技術棧,因此您可以利用 IT 數據推動變革。我們的集成使您能夠始終使用最新、準確的 IT 庫存數據為每個 IT 場景提供動力。使用 Lansweeper 數據填充您的 CMDB 並使其保持最新狀態、推動雲遷移項目、支持軟體資產管理等。

Lansweeper 如何使您的業務受益


消除環境中的盲點,發現您甚至不知道的資產。Lansweeper 的 IT 庫存平台為您提供了實現對 IT 的完全可見性的方法,集中在一個解決方案中,幫助您深入了解整個 IT 資產。


Lansweeper 大大減少了 IT 團隊通常花費在日常但關鍵任務上的時間,例如網絡發現、庫存、軟體分發、許可和更新。這種任務自動化對於員工和 IT 支出計劃受限的組織至關重要。


良好的網絡安全的基本前提是你無法保護你看不到的東西。因此,在基本網絡衛生方面,關鍵的第一步是保持 IT 環境的可見性並製定相關的日常檢查和驗證程序。


揭示不必要的開支、支持預算決策並經濟高效地管理您的 IT。Lansweeper 使您能夠減少幾個成本點,因為您需要知道自己擁有什麼,以便以具有成本效益的方式進行管理。




  • 32-bit or 64-bit
  • Virtual or physical
  • You can install the Lansweeper software on either a virtual or physical computer.
  • RAM
  • 8 GB Minimum required


Operating system

You can install the Lansweeper software on non-Home, non-Core and non-Starter editions of any of the operating systems listed below. A Windows Server OS is recommended for networks of more than 1,000 assets, though not strictly required.

  • Windows 7, SP1
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows 10 1607, or higher
  • Windows 11
  • Windows Server 2008 R2, SP1
  • Windows Server 2012
  • Windows Server 2012 R2
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows Server 2019
  • Windows Server 2022


Disk space

  • Lansweeper data, reports and settings are stored in a database. Your database is hosted in either the Microsoft SQL LocalDB, Microsoft SQL Server or Microsoft SQL Compact database server.
  • The size of your database can vary greatly depending on how much data you’re scanning and how much history you’re keeping.
  • We recommend reserving 1GB of disk space per 1,000 Windows computers. Non-Windows machines have less of an impact on database size.


Database server

The following database servers are supported for hosting the Lansweeper database, only SQL Server versions installed on a Microsoft Windows operating system are supported.

  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2008, any edition (Express, Standard, Enterprise…)
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2, any edition (Express, Standard, Enterprise…)
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2012, any edition (Express, Standard, Enterprise…)
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2014, any edition (Express, Standard, Enterprise…)
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2016, any edition (Express, Standard, Enterprise…)
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2017, any edition (Express, Standard, Enterprise…)
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2019, any edition (Express, Standard, Enterprise.)


Web browser

Lansweeper has a web interface, which can be viewed in a web browser locally from the Lansweeper server or remotely from other machines. The web console displays scanned and custom data, reports and settings in a comprehensible way and allows you to make changes to them.

  • Microsoft Internet updated & Microsoft Edge to the latest version
  • Google Chrome, updated to the latest version
  • Mozilla Firefox, updated to the latest version


IIS Configuration details for the Console installation

The Lansweeper web console can be run under the IIS Express or IIS web server, both of which are developed by Microsoft. Internet Information Services is available in most editions of Windows, though disabled by default. If you choose to host the Lansweeper console under IIS, you must manually install IIS on your machine prior to running the Lansweeper installer.

To enable IIS on a Windows 10 computer, do the following below steps;

  1. Open the Start menu, type features and select Turn Windows features on or off option.
  2. Tick the Internet Information Services checkbox and hit OK & wait for installation to complete.
    1. If you plan on using integrated Windows authentication in Lansweeper or another website hosted in IIS, tick the Windows Authentication option under Internet Information ServicesWorld Wide Web ServicesSecurity as well and hit OK.
    2. You can now install Lansweeper and choose IIS as your web server. After installation, you will see your Lansweeper web console listed in IIS Manager (inetmgr), along with a default website that was generated when you enabled IIS.


Lansweeper 組件概述

了解掃描服務、數據庫和 Web 控制台如何相互作用。

Lansweeper 易於安裝

關於如何輕鬆安裝 Lansweeper 的簡短分步教學。