當您購買許可版本的 PDF-XChange Editor時, 您將免費獲得Tracker Software虛擬打印機 PDF-XChange Lite 的免費副本。
PDF-XChange Editor Plus
包含PDF-XChange Editor的所有功能。
“升級到PDF-XChange Editor Plus,您將獲得更多功能和便利。除了擁有PDF-XChange Editor的所有功能,PDF-XChange Editor Plus 還支持PDF/A標準,確保您的文件符合長期存儲的要求。填寫表單將變得更加輕鬆,您可以輕鬆地添加、編輯和管理表單域。我們進一步增強了OCR功能,支持多語言識別和更高的識別準確率,讓您更快速地將紙質文件轉換為可編輯的數字文本。同時,您還可以將多個文件合併為單個PDF文件,輕鬆整理和管理文件。PDF-XChange Editor Plus是您提高生產力和文件處理效率的最佳選擇。”
PDF-XChange PRO 專業版
PDF-XChange PRO 是一個軟體組合包,結合了 Tracker Software三個最暢銷的應用程序以及OCR插件:
PDF-XChange Editor Plus 是一個動態性很強且可完全自定義的PDF應用程序。創建,查看,編輯,註釋,OCR 和簽名PDF文件。如果您使用PDF,那麼該完全可定制的產品會將您的工作流程優化到其他產品無法達到的水平。從掃描的文檔,圖像,文本文件,Markdown文件等創建PDF文件。打開,編輯和轉換 Microsoft Office文檔。提供三十多種工具來幫助創建文檔註釋,註解,鏈接和可填寫表格。這些工具使編輯PDF成為微調,精確的過程,可生成最高質量的文檔和圖像文件。我們用戶友好的功能足以滿足從新手到專業人員的所有從業人員的需求。
V4 thru V10: Microsoft/Citrix Terminal Server compatible. Version 4, 5, 6, 7: Microsoft/Citrix Terminal Server compatible; Windows XP*, Windows Vista compatible. Version 3: Still available for Windows 95/98
We recommend that users install the latest Microsoft Windows service packs and updates before using our products, as doing so will ensure the greatest possible performance of the software.
Our products – in particular the printer drivers that PDF-XChange Printer Standard and PDF-XChange Printer Lite utilize – are not designed to work in virtualized environments such as the XenApp software.
*There are some limitations to product support for Windows XP and Windows Vista as Microsoft have stopped supporting them. Further information about this issue is available here.
There are also some limitations to product support for Windows 7, as it is no longer supported. Please ensure you are using the latest release and all available fixes – otherwise you may encounter issues, as detailed here.