SmartGit 版本追蹤控管工具


SmartGit 是slant.co上最流行的 Git GUI 客戶端。全球 100,000 多名開發人員信任 SmartGit。SmartGit 支持 GitHub、Bitbucket、GitLab 和 Azure DevOps。

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SmartGit 版本追蹤控管工具


為什麼更喜歡 SmartGit 作為 Git 客戶端?

One for All.

SmartGit 可以幫助 Git 新手,也可以讓有經驗的開發人員更有效率。

SmartGit 在 Windows、macOS 和 Linux 上具有相同的直觀用戶界面:

  • 圖形合併和提交歷史
  • 拖放提交重新排序、合併或變基
  • 快速,即使對於更大的存儲庫

在您喜歡的任意數量的機器和操作系統上使用您的 SmartGit 許可證。

SmartGit 在 Windows、macOS 和 Linux 上運行。

Interacting with popular platforms.

SmartGit 帶有針對 GitHub、Azure DevOps、BitBucket(以及 BitBucket Server)和 GitLab 的特殊集成,用於創建和解決拉取請求和審查評論。

當然,您可以像使用任何其他 Git 客戶端一樣將 SmartGit 用於您自己的 Git 存儲庫或其他託管服務提供商。

SmartGit 支持 GitHub、BitBucket 和 Atlassian Stash 的拉取請求和評論。

Everything Included.

無需安裝和配置其他工具。SmartGit 包含您需要的一切:

  • 直觀的文件比較(沒有簡單的git diff包裝器)
  • 強大的文件合併(可自由編輯的“衝突解決器”)
  • Git-Flow(高級分支處理)
  • 圖形合併和提交歷史
  • 捆綁的 Git 客戶端
  • SSH 客戶端
SmartGit 包含內置的 Git-Flow 支持、SSH 客戶端、文件比較和合併工具。

Adopt to Your Needs and Workflows.

一個完美的 Git 客戶端應該支持您的工作流程。您可以通過多種方式自定義 SmartGit:

  • 合併、變基的首選項
  • 外部工具,
  • 外部或內置的比較或衝突解決工具,
  • 語法著色,
  • 鍵盤快捷鍵,
  • 某些視圖的佈局,
  • 工具欄,
  • 明暗主題

SmartGit 允許非常詳細的定制。




What’s New in SmartGit 21.2

Support for Apple Silicon (M1)

The most important new change in version 21.2 is the support for the Apple Silicon M1 processor on MacOS 11 and 12.

What’s New in SmartGit 21.1

Rebuilt Changes View

The new Changes view supports a Unified diff which can show longer lines as the side-by-side diff.

In the compact mode (where equal lines are hidden) it easily is possible to reveal equal lines selectively.

All modes support syntax coloring and staging or unstaging of changes.

Changes view with Unified diff.Changes view with compact side-by-side diff.


Changes View with Image compare

With the new Changes view you can compare images visually side-by-side.

Changes view with image compare.


Changes View to Solve Conflicts

In case of a conflict the Changes view offers easy commands to solve the conflict. Of course, if the conflict is too complex, you still can open the Conflict Solver window.

Changes view with special conflict options.

Azure DevOps integration

SmartGit streamlines the Git workflows for Azure DevOps (similar to GitHub): clone the Git repository from Azure DevOps, create pull requests, review and add comments.

Azure DevOps integration

Avatars in Graph

By default the Graph shows avatars (e.g. from for the author. This saves horizontal space and is easier to spot than plain text.

If the access to is disabled, colorful gravatars are rendered from the author’s initials.

Avatars are used in graph.

Push: Set JIRA issue in-progress

The integration for Atlassian JIRA not only allows to mark issues as resolved, but also to be in-progress.

JIRA integration: optionally start progress.

Cherry-Pick Certain Files

From the Log’s Files view you can cherry-pick certain files of a commit.

This also can be used to apply only selected files of stashes.

Cherry-pick not just full commits, but also just some files.

Split-Off Files

Another way of splitting commits is to select the files of a commit, use Split-Off Files and enter the commit message of the new commit.

Move selected files of a commit into a sibling commit using Split-Off Files.

Modify-All Commits (Step/Continue)

The Interactive Rebase has been enhanced in that way, that you now can stop at every commit, e.g. to verify whether it builds. You either can step each commit or continue rebasing all remaining commits – something like a Commit Debugger.

Rebase Interactive: optionally stop at each commit.You can single-step each commit or continue - just like in a commit debugger.


Partial Clone Support

Partially cloned repositories (starting with Git 2.29) are now supported: missing objects will be fetched on demand. For the Clone, you can limit the maximum file size to fetch.

Support for partial clone.


Select Diff Tool

If you have configured multiple diff tools for the files to compare, you’ll optionally get asked which to use.

Select from multiple diff tools.




  • Windows 10+  (64-bit)
  • macOS 10.14 – 14 
  • Linux (64-bit, GTK 3.24+)